02 November 2009

tango: the art history of love

by Robert Farris Thompson
A beautifully written book about the origins and development of the tango, from early musical styles and dances like the habanera and canyengue to writers of tango lyrics and the famous originals, their style and their story.

List of chapters:
1. Tango in Hollywood
2. Tango as Text
3. The Cultural Preparation
4. Habanera: The Call of the Blood
5. Milonga: The Great Buenos Aires Conversation
6. Dancing on the Edge: The Early Tango Called Canyengue
7. Tango as Music
8. Tango as Dance

Pictured with Montgolfier Cabernet Sauvignon, 2008.
...Purchased in Cyprus on my way back to Cairo, where French wine is rare and (g)astronomically expensive.  What can I say of this wine?  Not much, only that I am thrilled it is not Egyptian.

1 comment:

C A said...

I heart your blog, love tango ;)
I'm now following you with rss feed, I bet you'll love my blog fashionista and follow me too till death! ^^

@ MaisonChaplin.blogspot.com